This is Valeria Lukyanova, a Ukrainian girl who looks just like...a childhood memory...Barbie. I wonder how far can female vanity drug us women? Why do we always have to look like someone else? In this case not even like a real person but rather one of Mattel's greatest marketing inventions. This is probably the best and most succesful human replica of a doll, I trully have to congratulate the doctors for mastering the art of plastic surgery and changing the human nature.
I chose these photos of her past and present because her pose and posture are most similar. As it is apparent in her early days, she was definately an above average beauty- or let me just re-phrase the "early days" part because afterall she is just 21 years old.
It is said that she has had many cosmetic surgeries in order to achieve this result like: rhinoplasty, botox, filler injections, breast implants, liposuction and fat transfer to the hips. It is even said that she has removed a few ribs to make her waist tiny. It is important to mention that in order to capture this "synthetic look" she uses the art of makeup and styling. Makeup wise, a combination of heavy coverage foundation and powder, false eyelashes and lots of contouring especially around the nose area.
Valeria Lukyanova does not admit she has had any plastic surgeries! Well, I guess that the conclusions are all yours......
Valeria Lukyanova does not admit she has had any plastic surgeries! Well, I guess that the conclusions are all yours......